Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2024-25 (Short Course)
Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2024-25 (Short Course) Read More »
There is no substitute for industry visits to increase students’ interest in practical learning. So, like every year, the students also visited the industry. Bangladesh is continuously progressing towards being an industrially developing country. Electrical engineering is one of the most promising professions in this age of industrialization and information technology. Come to Jasim Uddin
Farewell program organized by students of all departments of Rumdo Institute of Modern Technology for the session 2019-20 at the campus. The honorable vice principal engineer of RIMT, Md. Abul Hashem, was present as the chief guest on the occasion. Besides, heads of all departments of RIMT, the Controller of Examinations, Administration, and Accounts, former
Farewell Ceremony Read More »
The Freshers program is organized on campus to admit students from all departments for the 2021–22 session of the Rumdo Institute of Modern Technology. The honorable vice principal engineer of RIMT, Md. Nazrul Islam, was present as the chief guest on the occasion. Besides, the Head of Department, Controller of Examinations, Admin, Accounts, former teachers,